After Hours Care


If you have an emergency, please call 911.
Emergencies are life threatening situations such as seizures, accidents, severe bleeding, mental health breakdown, etc.

ER Hospitals that we recommend:

After Hours Care

Most insurance companies have their 24-hour nurse help lines.  Please look at the back of your card and contact your insurance’s nurse line for non-emergency questions.

Click on the attached links to access common insurances:

After Hours Clinic

In case you need to see a Pediatric provider, please use the following facilities for your child’s care.  NOte that these facilities have limited evening hours, so please call them to ensure that they are open.

Contacting the On-Call Providers

If you want to talk with our On-Call providers, please call the office number 248-650-5009 and follow the instructions. Please avoid calling for routine issues such as mild illness, Rx refills, behavior issues, feeding issues, appointment scheduling… You can call the office in the morning to address these.